Azure Quickstart Templates

Hello everyone, Here again with another interesting topic called “Azure ARM Templates”. As you know Cloud world is rapidly growing and demand for automation and huge deployments are increasing. So what to do then? So with Microsoft Azure we’ve got several ways of deployment, for instance, Azure Portal, Azure CLI, Powershell and ARM Template. You…

Windows Quick Access Shortcut Commands [ My TechNet Wiki Post ]

Access Windows Servcies with MSC Commands. Hello Wiki, sometimes I see some experts follow GUI pathes in order to access a service panel to configure or rearrange it. However, accessing them through RUN or start menu as a shortcut with just a simple command would make it quickly and easier to access. Here is some…

Windows Server: Sconfig.exe

Sconfig comes from Server Configuration from Command prompt like CMD or Windows Powershell. In Windows Server Core Edition the only choice for configuring your Core Windows is Sconfig.exe, after installaing your server the first thing you have to di is configuring your server. Configuration steps are as follows :